Monday, October 27, 2008

Lessons in Government (and Media) Intervention

One consistent response I have received to the catalog of outrageous pictures that many of you have now seen is this: "Lauren, please provide the name and address of this junkyard, I would like to immediately call [insert name of entity here, e.g., the police, ASPCA, Humane Society, etc.]."

I am highly sympathetic to this response and last week even acquiesced to the efforts of a wonderful, dear friend that had contacted the media. Without going into too much detail, I would like to summarize why we will no longer seek to accomplish our goals through government agencies, the local media, or large scale rescue organizations. To keep a long story short, the media's interest in these stories is passing, at best. Rescue organizations are over-run with animals and have little or no space for these dogs. Government agencies, including animal control and the police, are almost completely apathetic and one hundred percent ineffectual. The police were contacted and did next to nothing, with the exception of alerting alerting the owner of the junkyard, thereby imperiling the sympathetic woman who helped us find these animals in the first place and leading the owner to sequester a number of puppies that we had set our sights on getting. Animal control has done nothing, and because the dogs are in such bad shape they would likely just put them down. Please also keep in mind that there are literally hundreds of abused and neglected dogs in these neighborhoods.

I definitely appreciate all the passionate voices that want to help in every way possible, I just want to bring this up as a way of pointing out that we have proceeded in this manner because it is the only way we can think of to quickly get these dogs healthy, off the streets, and into loving homes. Thank you all for your help in our endeavors.

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