Monday, October 27, 2008

Sir Charles, Our First Success

The puppy that started it all, Charley swept into our lives as a squirming bundle of love, quickly seducing us with his puppy-calendar-perfect expressions and lively personality (even if Paul sometimes wished we could take a vacation from him). When we first got Charley, he was so flea-bitten that he had gnawed off the fur on his back foot and the tip of his tail, giving rise to the nicknames "Lil' Monkey Paw" and "Mr. Possum Tail".


Now that his hair is growing back, he tends to go by the name "Sir Charles." Charley was twelve pounds back in late July, today he is a healthy 35 pounds and a model of good canine health. Below are some pictures we took when we first found Charley, followed by some more recent ones. Like many of you, Paul's aunts were overcome by Charley's story, and decided to take him on despite still coping with the loss of their beloved Murphy. Paul's aunt, Peggy, even keeps a blog about Charley, packed with pictures of what is quite possibly the cutest puppy that has ever existed. You can visit Peggy's blog here.

We are so happy that we have been able to find such a wonderful home for Charley, especially because it means that we will be close to Charley for years to come.

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